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Home >> Essays >> Other >> Analysis of Bilingual/ESL Program Name of the student Instructor Institutional affiliation Date Introduction Bilingual/ESL programs have become an important part of ed

Analysis of Bilingual/ESL Program Name of the student Instructor Institutional affiliation Date Introduction Bilingual/ESL programs have become an important part of ed ...

Analysis of Bilingual/ESL Program

Name of the student
Institutional affiliation

Bilingual/ESL programs have become an important part of education in the United States as they increase the equity and accessibility to educational resources even to the minority of communities that use English as a second language. For the facility I work with, they adopt Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) due to the demographic of their student population. The school is located in an immigrant population where many of the students and families are of Latino origin and speak mostly Spanish. The program thus helps the students that are yet to fully comprehend English participate in educational activities and gain knowledge in the best way possible as they learn English as their second language.
Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE)
TBE is a bilingual program where the instructor provides instructions to their students using two languages- the mother language of most of the students and English. English is a second language for the majority of the students in the facility. The instructor uses the native language with the aim of helping the English learners to transition to an all-English learning environment. The native language is however used only to the extent that is necessary. Proponents for the TBE program argue that the program enhances equity in that lessons that are learned in the English language in a non-English population has a negative impact on the academic achievement of the students (Parmon, 2021). They also believe that using a bilingual approach to instructions provides understandable lesson backgrounds and transfer of literacy across various languages. TBE responds to students in the most flexible way despite their different English proficiency levels.
The goals of the TBE program are as follows: The program ensures that the bilingual student learns required content from the lesson as they acquire skills in English. Such individuals after learning the customs and practices in an all-English classroom eventually transition into becoming active members of the society. The rationale is that the TBE setting eliminates the language barrier as students eventually understand and can communicate well in the English language. The programs also ensure that the students are proficient in reading, speaking, listening to and writing in the English language (Williams, 2022). TBE also helps foster the academic, emotional and linguistic needs of bilinguals as it operates through creating partnerships with stakeholders such as families, students and the community. TBE helps students to be at par standards in their English fluency while at the same time maintaining proficiency in their native language.
As identified earlier, the literacy instructions and the initial content of a lesson is done in the native language of the students. It is however paired with sequential and systematic use of English. The instructor is an individual that is proficient in both the native language of the students and also the English language. They can easily translate concepts for students from one language to the other enhancing clarity and understanding the needs of each of the students in the classroom. The resource in the classroom is also provided in both the native language and English language to enhance accessibility to knowledge for all students.
The native language is extensively used when providing instructions. More than three quarters of the content is taught in the native language and explanations that are hard to comprehend are given in the native language. The native language creates the base of pedagogy in the facility thus ensuring all students benefit from knowledge given through the facility (Ojentis, M. (2021).
The exit criteria that have to be met before exiting the TBE program include the following: the students under the program must present an understanding of concepts in their native language and also in the English language. They must show improved competency from when they joined the program to when they end the program.
What is your evidence Can this program be improved? How? Comments/Next steps
Is the program
successful in
promoting the
achievement of
English learners?
Yes/No Students can eventually understand instructions in English and make communication in classroom in English Yes, students should be taken each at their pace when learning ESL Students achieve better when they understand concepts hence the need for the TBE approach to pedagogy
Is the program
tailored to meet the
academic, and
affective needs of
English learners?
Yes/No Instructor is proficient in both languages making it easy to understand the need of the English Learners Each student should receive a tailored approach to learning ESL. A self-paced approach would make understanding more meaningful Tailor made programs eventually promote independence and
Does the program
provide English
learners with the
necessary to allow
them to progress
through school at a
with their native-
Yes/No The ESL learners are not yet to the level of efficiency as their English-native speaking counterparts Not solely focus on native language and try instructions in English to help students understand the role of transition and know level of transition for students Students need constant use of English in instructions to ensure that they reach level of proficiency as the native English-speaking colleagues
Does the program
make the best use
of district and
Yes/No Instructor ensures that the students have the best resources that are bilingual, for instance Spanish-English dictionaries that promote learning of the English language. Instructors should provide a range of district resources and guidance to families and parents as they play a role in helping ESL learners attain bilingual goals. Liaise with the district to ensure that the community and parents and guardians have access to necessary resources to promote ESL even in home and community settings

Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) programs are important when students are more proficient in their native language than in the English language. It is necessary for instructors to provide instructions that are understandable and that can be acted upon by the students. That is achieved through the TBE approach where the teacher uses the native language and bits of English to help increase English prowess of the students.

Ojentis, M. (2021). An Investigation of the Impact of Transitional Bilingual Education on the English Reading Skills of Haitian Students in Grades K-2 (Doctoral dissertation, College of Saint Elizabeth).
Parmon, P. (2021). Educating Immigrant Children: Bilingualism in America’s Schools.
Williams, G. M. (2022). Transitional Bilingual Education. Transitional Bilingual Education.

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