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BIOL181 Annotated Bibliography Name: Course Number: Presentation Topic (Medical Disease/Condition): Rheumatoid arthritis Source #1 Reference (in APA format) Batko, B., Rolska-Wójcik, ...

BIOL181 Annotated Bibliography
Course Number:
Presentation Topic (Medical Disease/Condition): Rheumatoid arthritis
Source #1
(in APA format) Batko, B., Rolska-Wójcik, P., & Władysiuk, M. (2019). Indirect costs of rheumatoid arthritis depending on type of treatment—a systematic literature review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(16), 2966.
The article by Natko et al. (2019) focuses on the economic burden associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). The authors identify the Disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) as the most important in therapy. The drugs prevent the disability associated with RA and thus improve the well being and quality of life of an individual. The authors use information from a systematic review of 153 articles published on MEDLINE. Out of the 153, 28 were included in the research. The findings showed RA was associated with costs related to productivity loss. Over 50% of economic loss was due to the loss of productivity of individuals with RA. The use of DMARDs was also associated with substantive indirect costs.
The study is important in the current project in that it helps understand the current costs that are associated with the condition. It gives insight to the need to prevent the illness before it occurs or mitigate its impact to reduce the economic costs it has on individuals and the economy in general. It also provides an information on biological therapy that improves on productivity and thus possible approach to containing RA.

The article is peer reviewed and is published on the MDPI database. It is published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health which is credible for scholarly material. The authors have the authority to speak on the topic. Batko works with the Department of Rheumatology at the J. Dietl Specialist Hospital, Skarbowa. The other two work at HTA Consulting which s a health technology company.
The article is published on the MDPI database which is open access. It has high visibility and indexed within ESCI (Web of Science), RePEc and Scopus among other databases. Publications are peer reviewed and scholarly acceptable.
Source #2
(in APA format) Croia, C., Bursi, R., Sutera, D., Petrelli, F., Alunno, A., & Puxeddu, I. (2019). One year in review 2019: pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Exp Rheumatol, 37(3), 347-357.
Croia et al. (2019) discuss the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. They identify it as an inflammatory autoimmune disease influenced by environmental and genetic factor. The authors use a literature review to better understand the pathogenic mechanisms that lead to RA. The study results show that genetic and cellular factors regulate the innate and adaptive responses that contribute to the development of RA. Environmental factors such as the presence of infections, microbiota and conditions such as obesity and diet lead to the development of autoimmune disease such as RA.
The information is relevant to the assigned topic in that it shows how RA develops in the human body. It highlights the factors that are likely contributors to the condition and thus provide an opportunity to identify the most appropriate solutions to RA. The information in the article also acts as evidence in the current project as it is supported by scholarly material that is relevant to the topic.
The study is a peer reviewed article that is published in scholarly database. It is retrievable through Google Scholar. The authors have the authority to speak on the topic based on their educational qualifications. Many of them work with the Rheumatology Unit, Department of Medicine at the University of Perugia Italy. The others work in the Immuno-Allergology Unit in the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, at the University of Pisa, Italy. The authors are MDs and hold PhDs in specified fields.
Google scholar is the database where the article was retrieved. Only credible and peer reviewed scholarly materials are included in the database as per their inclusion criteria. It is also the strongest in technical, scientific, and medical disciplines due to its partnership with other databases such as Cambridge Scientific and PubMed.

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