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Domain 3: Instruction Unsatisfactory: Unacceptable Basic: Novice Student Teacher Proficient: Effective Student Teacher Distinguished: Advanced Student Teacher 3a: Communicates Clearly and accura ...

Domain 3:
Instruction Unsatisfactory: Unacceptable Basic:
Novice Student Teacher Proficient: Effective Student Teacher Distinguished: Advanced Student Teacher
Communicates Clearly and accurately Student teacher’s oral and written communication is unclear, contains errors, or is inappropriate. Student teacher’s oral and written communication is appropriate, generally free from error, but may require further explanation. Student teacher’s oral and written communication is clear, appropriate, and accurate. Student teacher’s oral and written communication is clear and expressive, and consistently accurate.
Comment The teacher scores the distinguished badge in this sub domain as her oral and written skills are clear, expressive and are consistently accurate. The teacher is so clear that the students understand what she is asking in the first instinct. She communicates a t a speed that is appropriate for the students and also uses the intonation that effectively engages the students as witnessed in the video 00:00 to 1:50. In this period the teacher is eloquent making it easier for the student to understand
Uses High-level, Open ended Questions Student teacher uses closed, low level questions that allow for little student discussion. Student teacher uses high level, open-ended questions, and discussion techniques unevenly, which leads to moderate student discussion. Student teacher uses high level, open-ended questions and discussion techniques, which leads to full student participation. Student teacher encourages student inquiry by modeling and directly teaching how to create and use high level, open-ended questions to facilitate discussion.
Comment: The teacher does a great job in asking her students open ended questions when inquiring about what they have learned. For instance, the teacher asks about the different ways that they had used to decompose numbers and provided room for her students to answer (2:43-3:35). The open ended questions give each student the chance to answer the question using the best of their understanding as it does not limit them to specific answers. When doing a role play to understand decomposing, the teacher gives the students the opportunity to answer question on why they move to the other side of the theatre based on their imagination (5:30-8:30)
Engages Students in Learning Student teacher does not intellectually engage students as a result of inappropriate activities/poor lesson structure and implementation. Student teacher attempts but is minimally successful at intellectually engaging students because of inappropriate activities/ uneven lesson structure and implementation. Student teacher is generally successful in intellectually engaging students. Activities are appropriate; lesson structure and implementation are usually successful. Student teacher is successful in intellectually engaging students because of appropriate activities and effective lesson structure and implementation.
Comment: The students are very engaged in the classroom activities. For instance, the teacher uses them for role play to understand the decomposition of numbers (5:30-8:30). When further explaining the concepts the teacher uses a child appropriate story to help note the concept of decomposition. The student answer and participate in the reading session with the teacher (12:20-16:35). The teacher also engages the students through introducing a n activity to help practice decomposition. She also has one on one interaction with students in the process (31:30-33:00)
Paces Instruction and Provides Closure Student teacher’s pacing is not consistent with the lesson’s goals, and s/he does not provide closure. Student teacher’s pacing is uneven, and s/he does not always provide closure. Student teacher’s pacing is on target and s/he brings closure to the lesson. Student teacher consistently paces instruction and effectively provides closure to each lesson.
Comments: The teacher keeps a consistent pace on her instructions which makes learning smooth for all her students and provides closure to each lesson. At the begging of the lesson, she makes her goals clear that the students will learn about decomposition. She has smooth transitions from one activity to the other and makes use of song mnemonics to aid in such transitions (37:35-37:53). Her materials for each part of learning are ready and handy making the lesson smooth and interesting.
Provides Appropriate Feedback to Students Student teacher’s feedback is negative and not timely. No attempt is made to make use of it in the teaching/learning process. Student teacher’s feedback is of uneven quality, inconsistently timed and minimally incorporated into the teaching/learning process. Student teacher’s feedback is timely and of consistently good quality, and incorporated into the teaching/learning process. Student teacher’s feedback is timely, consistent, of high quality and students make use of it in their learning.
Comments: The teacher is very keen on providing feedback to her students. She for instance ensures that she answers the questions that her students might have about anything related to the class. For example, in one-on-one sessions as she shows the students to decompose using spiders, she answers to the inquiries of different students. She constantly provides positive feedback to students such as verbally stating ‘good job’ which shows students they are heading the right direction and also encourages them to continue trying (43:45).
Demonstrates Flexibility and Responsiveness Student teacher proceeds with planned lesson in spite of evidence of student misunderstanding and assumes no responsibility for students’ failure to understand. Student teacher makes some attempt to modify lessons according to student needs, interests, questions, and begins to assume responsibility for students’ failure to understand. Student teacher successfully modifies lessons to meet student needs, interests, and questions most of the time and assumes responsibility for students’ failure to understand. Student teacher successfully modifies lessons to meet student needs, interests, questions and ensures that lesson objectives are met.
Comments: The teacher is very creative and finds different ways to make the class interesting for her students. She successfully modifies the lesson as per her student needs, interests and questions that ensure that the objectives of the lesson are met. For example, she employs the use of mnemonic songs that increase the students understanding of the concepts and also help them deepen their understanding of the concepts (1:35, 17:25, 49:11 etc). The teacher also uses the elements of art ad story telling to further push towards the lesson objectives (11:27-20:50). The teacher also uses the arts and craft to raise the interest of the students in learning about the concept of decomposition. For example, she uses bracelets, colors and painting images to spark the learning interests of her students (44:50-49:00).

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