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Final Project Prompts Name of the Student Instructor Institutional Affiliation Date Briefly explain the function of propaganda in our society. Propaganda is common in the society and is used to ...

Final Project Prompts
Name of the Student
Institutional Affiliation
Briefly explain the function of propaganda in our society.
Propaganda is common in the society and is used to promote particular agendas or points of view. The goal of propaganda varies but the most common of goals is shaping the opinions of individuals ad convincing them to support or o against a particular cause or encouraging and discouraging particular behavior (Welch). The manufacture of consent theory explains the function of propaganda as a systematic and a well outlined structural function of the mass media different from general public perceptions and used to control or skew information that goes to the public (Jones). The aim is to influence the beliefs or elicit particular behavior as they are likely to believe the content of the media.
Mccombs and Shaw on the other hand describe the function of propaganda using the agenda-setting theory. Their theory states that the function of propaganda is to influence the public salience on a set topic through constant exposure to a particular opinion. It is based on the notion that repeated exposure causes the public to deem a topic as important. According to frame analysis, the function of propaganda is to influence the stereotypes, metaphors, images and messages that people understand about a topic of discussion within the society. In conclusion, the function of propaganda is to get people thinking in a particular direction aligned to the needs and wants of those propagating the propaganda.
A great example of propaganda is that aimed at changing the perception of Americans against the intentions of Joe Biden’s government. The propaganda purported by Betsy McCaughey, an author of the New York Post, targets her followers as well as other readers of her post. She aims to make her viewers view the policies that are set by Biden's administration as racially biased.
Briefly explain:
Who benefits from propaganda?
Propaganda is a necessary double-edged tool and can benefit those that are propagating it and also the general public. Propaganda could be used to protect the public from an adverse event and could also be used to pass the agenda of the higher social classes and media within the society.
Based on the agenda-setting theory, propaganda can benefit the media that perpetrates the same or those in higher classes as it forces the public to behave or act in the way that the higher class or those in control in society want. As for the manufacture of consent theory, the propaganda is one-sided and aimed at diverting the public from the belief and perceptions they have about a particular phenomenon. The media for instance, skews information to meet their needs other than those of the public (Chomsky 55-57). Example e again is Joe Biden's propaganda on how his administration promotes racial inequality. The media wants the public to change their perception of policies set from those that promote equity for racial minorities and disfavored.
The public benefits from propaganda in that they desist from engaging in behavior that could otherwise be harmful to them in the long run. For instance, propaganda that discourages the use of tobacco products eventually influences the perception of the public on smoking and therefore encourages many to desist from the behavior. The outcomes are positive and thus beneficial to society. Propaganda is also beneficial to the media in that it helps pass their agenda. It is also beneficial o individuals with authority that aim at manipulating people for their benefit. For instance, the propaganda about former President Barrack Obama not being a US Citizen Would have benefited his opponent (Donald Trump) in the presidential race.
Briefly explain how propaganda influences and shapes cultural landscapes.
Propaganda influences and shapes cultural landscapes by influencing the attitudes, beliefs and identity of individuals. Objects that have been used n propaganda have become cultural objects that shape the identity of individuals. For instance, many of the cultures of the United States populations are based on objects that reflect the country's past such as the Statue of liberty. The image speaks of the concepts of freedom and control in a forceful manner that has shaped how the American people view their past and also relate to their present.
The feelings of identity and belonging are also based on a landscape of propaganda on shared notions of justice and legitimacy. For instance, the propaganda relating to President Obama and how the media portrayed him as a non-citizen of the United States was related to the identities and feeling of belonging of many African American leaders in the United States (BBC). Based on the manufacture of consent theory, the main reason to use propaganda is to influence the individual's perception. Once such perception is influenced over time, it sticks and changes the behavior to what the propagandists want. The behavior sticks and develops into a culture over generations.
Briefly explain how your civic engagement and willingness to participate in more meaningful ways in your own life will increase due to your learning in this course.
Learning this course has greatly influenced my take on the role of civic engagement and the willingness to participate in matters related to the society. Learning about the elements of propaganda has helped me understand that there is a possibility of being misled when one is misinformed in the society. Civic engagement helps individuals understand more about the society around them and thus not fall for elements of propaganda. Understanding the lessons has changed my perspective about the influence that individuals have on a society (ColdFusion). Therefore, I yearn to participate in a more meaningful and honest way that will make me and society better

For instance, the manufacturing of consent theory shows the possibility of influencing public opinion based on deceit. Knowing the negative influence of such deceit influenced my willingness to participate in civic activities to make a difference. Participating in more meaningful ways means that I influence the perception of others positively based on reality and not false information.
Works Cited
BBC. "How the Obama / Jordan Peele DEEPFAKE actually works | Ian Hislop's Fake News - BBC." YouTube, 2020,
Chomsky, Noam. Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda. Seven Stories P, 2011.
ColdFusion. "Deepfakes - Real Consequences." YouTube, 2018, Accessed 7 May 2023.
Jones, J. (2017). An animated introducfion to Noam Chomsky’s manufacturing consent and how the media creates the illusion of democracy. Open Culture. Retrieved October, 24, 2021.
Welch, D. "‘Opening Pandora’s box’: Propaganda, power and persuasion." Propaganda, Power and Persuasion, 2014, doi:10.5040/9780755694334.0006.

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