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Home >> Essays >> Other >> Obesity in Children and Adolescents Name of the student Instructor Institution Date Introduction Obesity is an issue of concern globally and especially in developed countries. The condition oc

Obesity in Children and Adolescents Name of the student Instructor Institution Date Introduction Obesity is an issue of concern globally and especially in developed countries. The condition oc ...

Obesity in Children and Adolescents
Name of the student
Obesity is an issue of concern globally and especially in developed countries. The condition occurs when an individual has a high body mass index (BMI). According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) childhood obesity especially in the United States is a menace. The condition has affected over 14.7 million children and adolescents in the country having a prevalence rate of 19.7% (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022). obesity prevalence was lower in the high-income groups compared to the low-income groups. This research paper will determine the cause of obesity amongst children and adolescents and also the prevention measures that will help deal with the condition.
Causes of Obesity
It is scientifically proven that the cause of obesity is due to an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure. The major causes of obesity according to healthcare professionals and researchers include improper nutrition, the lack of physical activity, genetic causes, and also living a sedentary lifestyle amongst other causes (Soliman & Huang, 2019).
Bradwisch et al. (2020) provide an overview of the causes of obesity in children and adolescents. They discuss the evolution of the condition and identify the consequences of the condition such as psychosocial and physiological consequences. The authors focus on family dynamics and how it influences life choices that lead to obesity in the population of study.
The major interventions for childhood obesity are dependent on the cause. For instance, obesity that is caused by poor nutrition should have interventions such as a change in diet to a healthier diet. Obesity caused the lack of physical activity should have interventions such as increased exercise and engagement in physical activity. Children and adolescents that are physically active have a higher energy expenditure reducing the chances of developing obesity. It also improves on the general wellbeing of individuals. Another prevention measure is to reduce sedentary activities that make it impossible for physical engagement. Family involvement in the prevention efforts is critical especially for the children and adolescent population as they follow what other family members do or accept them to do.
Here is a list of annotated references that discuss on the causes and interventions for obesity amongst children and adolescents:
Annotated Bibliography
Bradwisch, S. A., Smith, E. M., Mooney, C., & Scaccia, D. (2020). Obesity in children and adolescents: An overview. Nursing, 50(11), 60–66. authors identify the nature of childhood and adolescent obesity in the United States classifying it as a menace. They identify the evolution of obesity amongst children and also the prevention efforts that are available. They also discuss in depth the associated psychosocial and physical consequences of obesity on the children and adolescent population. The authors further discuss the interventions that are available for the pediatric pollution and adolescents. They focus on life style changes as the number one intervention in the fight against childhood obesity.
Chavan, R., Jabade, M., & Dumbre, D. (2020). Prevalence of Childhood Obesity and its Prevention-Systematic Review. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(4), 3726–3730. et al. (2020) presents a review of literature on the major issue in healthcare of obesity in children and adolescents. The authors use information from journals and articles they obtain through various healthcare databases such as PubMed and ISI Web of Science among others. They identify the complexity of obesity related to its causes and interventions. Apart from the causes and interventions, the authors also focus on the risk factors for development of metabolic disorders due to obesity. They also discuss the prevention efforts such as family based therapy.
Gow, M. L., Tee, M. S. Y., Garnett, S. P., Baur, L. A., Aldwell, K., Thomas, S., Lister, N. B., Paxton, S. J., & Jebeile, H. (2020). Pediatric obesity treatment, self‐esteem, and body image: A systematic review with meta‐analysis. Pediatric Obesity, 15(3), N.PAG. the article, the authors provide current information on the epidemiology and etiology of childhood and adolescent obesity, as well as assessment factors and current management techniques. The article identifies the effect of the multicomponent pediatric obesity treatment and the impact on the self-esteem and body image. The authors find their data through interaction with previous research on healthcare databases such as MEDLINE, and PsychINFO. They show that intervention for obesity in children leads to improved wellbeing and other positive psychological outcomes.
Kleinendorst, L., Abawi, O., van der Voorn, B., Jongejan, M. H. T. M., Brandsma, A. E., Visser, J. A., van Rossum, E. F. C., van der Zwaag, B., Alders, M., Boon, E. M. J., van Haelst, M. M., & van den Akker, E. L. T. (2020). Identifying underlying medical causes of pediatric obesity: Results of a systematic diagnostic approach in a pediatric obesity center. PloS One, 15(5), e0232990. et al. (2020) take a different approach to identifying the causes of obesity amongst children and adolescents. They place their focus on underlying medical conditions that cause the condition, something that is easily ignored when determining the causes of obesity in children and adolescents. The authors identify different medical causes of obesity such as genetic disorders, endocrine disorders, medical induced and cerebral obesities. They however show that evidence related to such causes is limited and this the need to identify such causes as it is vital to the personalization of obesity treatment in individuals.
Soliman, G. A., & Huang, T. T.-K. (2019). Causes of childhood obesity. In H. D. Davies, H. E. Fitzgerald, & K. J. Silk (Eds.), Obesity in childhood and adolescence: Causes, family influences, and social inequalities., Vol. 1, 2nd ed. (pp. 25–42). Praeger/ABC-CLIO.
Soliman and Huang, (2019) give an in-depth review of obesity and its cause. They give the biological reasoning towards the development of obesity stating the impact of excessive energy intake compared to energy expenditure. The authors analyze literature to come to a conclusion on factors that cause obesity. The author elaborates on the role of nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity and genetics in promoting obesity amongst children and adolescents. They also explore family influences and asocial inequalities and how they lead to pediatric obesity.

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