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Home >> Essays >> Other >> The Causal factors for the resurgence of Christianity in the Kurdish Regions of Iraq and SyriaJoshua.J.Moore Abstract In Week 8 students will submit a research paper on an area of conflict of the

The Causal factors for the resurgence of Christianity in the Kurdish Regions of Iraq and SyriaJoshua.J.Moore Abstract In Week 8 students will submit a research paper on an area of conflict of the ...

The Causal factors for the resurgence of Christianity in the Kurdish Regions of Iraq and SyriaJoshua.J.Moore
In Week 8 students will submit a research paper on an area of conflict of their choosing relating to the key tenets of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, or Islam as they relate to justice, the resolution of conflict, and forgiveness with useful strategies for warfare intervention.
The Causal factors for the resurgence of Christianity in the Kurdish Regions of Iraq and SyriaThe proposed topic for Wk 8 research paper will analyze Christianity, it’s tenants, origins and the rise and resurgence of Christianity in the Kurdish regions of Iraq and Syria; an area historically dominated by Islamist religion, culture and identity. Additionally, this paper will look to analyze the causal factors of the rapid conversion of Sunni Muslims in the region to Christianity and the impacts in the social, physiological and national security framework and the implications domestically and abroad.
Tenative Thesis
The rapid resurgence of Christianity in the Region will continue it’s already positive impact. As the prominence of Christianity in the region spreads throughout the region it will enjoy continued peace and stability not yet seen as the Kurdish people, through the reformation of their society becomes more tolerant and thus continue to be a global safe haven for religious refugees globally.
Interest and Signifigance The effects of religion on societies citizens secular, nonsecular alike are both inumerable and boundless in scope. Religion, since it’s most primal of orgins has shaped social frameworks, and formed the foundations for which civilizations have thrived and destroyed. Often, we see religions coincide with the geographic and thus cultural make up of a region. In areas such as the middle east, so routinely war torn and poverty stricken religion is all that many have left. Enter the Kurdish regions of Iraq and Syria, now Kurdistan. Now home to bussingling cities with a growing multi-religious and ethnic population was not such so long ago. In Kurdistan a communities that converted to Christianity from Islam are becoming more prominent Kobani, for example, was besieged by Islamic State for months, following an ISIS offensive of religious persecution. Kurdish converts lament the experiences of war, citing the onslaught of a fanatical soldiers proporting to fight for the tenants of Islam, bacame the catalyst for a shift in culture and religion.. The result, evangelical churches being erected in numbers unfathomable in years prior and thus a reformation of cultures customs and laws procedded.
Whilst the Islamic State’s radical interpretation of Sunni Islam has since been widely repudiated, the affected poplaces perceptions of faith shifted. Countless Kurdish enclaves of northern Iraq-Syria, whom urban communities are often secular, point to agnosticism as the case for both conversion and resurgence of and to Christianity and subsquently the emergence of a multi religious coalition in Kurdistan. Worth mentioning,Christianity is one of the region’s minority faiths that was persecuted by Islamic State.
Questions to Answer:
Will the tenants of Christianity and it’s Judeo teachings satisfy the secular without alienating the non-secualar?
Will Christianity become the majority religion in the region?
What is the history of Christiany in the Kurdish region of Iraq-Syria.
What are the implications domestically and abroad of the growing prominance of Christianity in the region.
What are socio-ecnomic factors that come to play?
Is there the potentional for a cultural identity crisis?

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