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Home >> Essays >> Other >> Unit 3: Paper Resources Topic: How do race, ethnicity, culture, gender, and other identities impact one’s psychology Arshad, M., & Chung, J. M. (2022). Practical recommendations for consider

Unit 3: Paper Resources Topic: How do race, ethnicity, culture, gender, and other identities impact one’s psychology Arshad, M., & Chung, J. M. (2022). Practical recommendations for consider ...

Unit 3: Paper Resources
Topic: How do race, ethnicity, culture, gender, and other identities impact one’s psychology
Arshad, M., & Chung, J. M. (2022). Practical recommendations for considering culture, race, and ethnicity in personality psychology. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 16(2), e12656. and Chung (2022) discuss the impacts that culture, race, and ethnicity have on personality psychology. The authors understand that the culture, race, and identity of an individual affect access to resources, socioeconomic status, and social mobility. Such elements are directly related to the psychology of an individual as they impact their mental health status. The article relates to the research topic in that it discusses how culture, race, ethnicity, and social identity influence the mental status of an individual.
Social structures directly influence personality psychology and thus the possibility of relating social structures to the identity, race, culture, and ethnicity of an individual. The expression of personalities by individuals differs across positions held in society and the relationships they have with others in society.
Nadal, K. L., Erazo, T., & King, R. (2019). Challenging definitions of psychological trauma: Connecting racial microaggressions and traumatic stress. Journal for Social Action in Counseling & Psychology, 11(2), 2-16. et al. focus on the impact of racial microaggressions on the mental health of individuals. The authors show that trauma studied in the past excludes racial trauma. The authors conclude their study with a recommendation to psychologists to have a better understanding of racial trauma and how it influences the mental health of an individual. The article directly relates to the research topic by focusing on the aspect of race and understanding how it is related to psychology. Racial traumas are experienced by individuals that share common characteristics such as the color of their skin, genetics, and also ancestral origins. The article points out that race is a major impact on influencing the mental health of an individual. It shows that the race one identifies with influences their thoughts, what others think of them, and thus their personality and psychology.
Marcelo, A. K., & Yates, T. M. (2019). Young children’s ethnic–racial identity moderates the impact of early discrimination experiences on child behaviour problems. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 25(2), 253. and Yates (2019) discuss ethnic and racial identities and the impact they have on a child’s behavior. Their article relates directly to the topic of discussion in that behavior is a psychological process. It is influenced by the thoughts that an individual has and the response related to elicited behavior. Race and ethnicity thus prove to influence the psychology of a child and thus influence their behavior. Early discrimination causes negative behavior showing that it negatively impacts the psychology of the children.
Summary: The authors test the hypotheses that a) the perceived experiences of ethic-racial discrimination predict elevated behavioral problems and b) the ethic-racial identity of children with respect to their exploration of the meaning of their race-ethnicity and their commitment to the same would mitigate such a relationship.
The authors used path analyses to evaluate the contributions of children's perceived ethical-racial discrimination to ratings of eternalizing and internalizing behavioral problems. The authors based their results on the ethic-racial identity reports after a year. They used a sample size of 172 children aged 7. The findings of their research showed that after a year, the perceived experiences of ethnic-racial discrimination predicted behavioral problems but mostly among the children that had relatively less-well-developed ethnic-racial identity. That shows the psychological impact of aspects of ethnicity and race due to the impact they have on the children’s behavior.

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