Strategies and tips to help your Reading section of TEAS 7 in 2024

Key Ideas & Details (15 questions):

  1. Summarize Texts: Focus on identifying the main idea and key supporting details in passages. Look for topic sentences, concluding sentences, and repeated information.
  2. Make Inferences: Use contextual clues and information presented in the text to make educated guesses about the author’s intentions, characters’ motivations, or implied meanings.
  3. Comprehend Written Directions: Read instructions carefully and ensure you understand what is being asked before answering questions.
  4. Locate Specific Information: Scan the text for keywords or phrases related to the question to find specific details quickly.
  5. Analyze Visuals: Pay attention to charts, graphs, and other visuals included in the text. Interpret the data presented and understand how it relates to the overall message of the passage.

Craft & Structure (9 questions):

  1. Fact vs. Opinion: Differentiate between statements that can be objectively proven (facts) and those that express personal beliefs or viewpoints (opinions).
  2. Contextual Meaning: Use context clues such as surrounding words, phrases, or sentences to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases.
  3. Author’s Purpose: Consider why the author wrote the passage and what they aim to achieve (inform, persuade, entertain, etc.).
  4. Author’s Point of View: Identify the author’s perspective or stance on a particular topic and how it influences the content of the text.

Integration of Knowledge & Ideas (15 questions):

  1. Use Evidence: Support your answers with evidence from the text. Look for direct quotes, examples, or data that back up your reasoning.
  2. Compare and Contrast Themes: Identify common themes or ideas across different texts and analyze how they are presented or developed differently.
  3. Evaluate Arguments: Assess the strength of arguments presented in the passage. Consider the evidence provided and any logical fallacies or biases.
  4. Integrate Data from Multiple Sources: If multiple sources are provided, synthesize information from each source to form a comprehensive understanding or draw conclusions.

General Tips:

  • Read the questions carefully and underline key terms or instructions.
  • Skim the passage initially to get an overview before diving into detailed reading.
  • Manage your time effectively to ensure you have enough time to answer all questions.
  • Practice with sample passages and questions to familiarize yourself with the format and types of questions asked in the TEAS Reading section.

By applying these strategies and practicing regularly, you can improve your performance and comprehension in the TEAS 7 Reading section.


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